Sunday, November 23, 2008

Solution to the World Economy

The World Economy can be revived.
People who have lost their jobs need to be reinstated. Once that is done the economy is revived.
There are still many companies in the world who are doing well and will show profits in 2008 and 2009. These companies could be Multinationals , Local Giants , Limited , private limited, partnership concerns, propietorship firms. The turn over or size of these firms is not important

I appeal to these companies to increase their optimum level of employment by maybe between 1-5%. This will help create new jobs. Once new jobs are created purchasing power goes up and once purchasing power goes up, everyone benefits and the World benefits, and this WORLD is our " HOUSE ".
If a company has 300 employess they can easily afford to take in another 5 employees
And if a company / firm has 10 Employees they can easily afford to take in 1 employee

Temporarily the profits of these companies may come down by a miniscule percentage , but ultimately all will benefit . The chain reaction will catch up and soon the world will be a better place to live in

I also appeal to Companies located all over the world to import the jobless from other countires too if necessary to turn this economy around .
And all this is not a favour to anyone. Its a long term investment for our future. And this investement can only be done by the companies who can afford it .

The people thus employed should not ever get to know too that they are part of this movement. Self respect and self esteem also form an important tool for the growth of any personality or situation .
Sometimes its not easy for a company or an individual to participate in a community activity like the one suggested by me as above . I therefore appeal to all World leaders and local leaders to start a movement and impress on all the long term advantages of this group activity .
Lets all get together and go for this
Lets all watch the indexes rise to new heights !!
Rajiv Mehta New Delhi India